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«Nationalism, identity and the theatre across the Spanish state in the democratic era, 1975-2010»

Abuín González, Ángel E.; Feldman, Sharon G. (2012)

Delgado, María M.: Gies, David T. (eds.). A History of Theatre in Spain

Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

Subliñas de investigación: B23. Historia e cultura; B22. Historia literaria comparada; A31. Identidades e diversidades;

Forma de citación:

Abuín González, Ángel E. - Feldman, Sharon G.: “Nationalism, identity and the theatre across the Spanish state in the democratic era, 1975-2010”, en Delgado, María M.: Gies, David T. (eds.), A History of Theatre in Spain, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012, pp. 391- 425.